Tales from Beyond

The Birth of Go Beyond and Gratitude to Tracy

The Birth of Go Beyond and Gratitude to Tracy By Ian Callen – Go Beyond Founder Go Beyond Holidays is now 15 years old. We have facilitated hundreds of supported holidays all over Europe and into Africa. Sometimes, usually whilst supporting our guests on holiday, when sat around a full bustling dinner table and after…

One of our guests nearing the end of the walk

The Golden Land

The Golden Land Our Go Beyond 2022 summer in Spain happened quite by accident. During the planning for our supported holidays in 2021, it became apparent that our summer program first choice in Dartmoor, wasn’t going to happen. Our 2022 brochure was going to print and I needed to find a replacement quickly. Finding a…

Wildcat and Pine Marten

Wildcat and Pine Marten in Cairngorms Face-off

Wildcat & Pine Marten in Cairngorms Face-off Supporting people on holiday to realise magical wildlife moments Spot a pine marten and that can make a Cairngorms trip. Glimpse an elusive wildcat and, well, that’s a memory to last a lifetime. But watch a pine marten and a wildcat facing off on the same log? That’s…

The Magic of Coming Together

The Magic of Coming Together It has been a bumpy time for everyone during the last year. However, it has been a rollercoaster ride for people working in the tourism industry. A ride mostly taking you downwards and surrounded in thick fog. I run a successful supported holiday company for people with autism, learning disabilities…