Su Holborn lives in Devon sandwiched between the open vistas of Dartmoor and the stunning South Devon coast, both of these being visited regularly for work and play. During her career in education, she worked with all ages and abilities in a variety of environments. Su trained as a PE Teacher, became an international Outward Bound tutor, teacher, youth leader, a wife and mother, Professional Mountaineer, University Lecturer and has recently retired. For over 20 years at Marjon, Plymouth, Su taught, coached, and nurtured her students’ talents, affectionately known as the Outdoor Adventure Mum to all.
Su may have stopped working full time but she became self-employed continuing to work with National Organisations to develop future outdoor instructors and more locally for a friend on school residential courses, Duke of Edinburgh’s Award and other group residentials, which is how she became involved with Go Beyond, Dartmoor 2021.
A few questions to Su
What motivates and inspires me?
Sharing my love of the outdoors with others. Seeing people enjoy the little things it has to offer, to greater adventures. Enabling others to achieve their potential, seeking out what is possible in a safe and supported way.
What are your strengths?
I am a thinker and a doer, many years running a successful Outdoor Adventure Programme means I am patient, a problem solver and puzzler. Always looking for a positive outcome, a new way to approach given situations. Working with people, observing their abilities and how these might be developed, in a positive, enjoyable and fulfilling way.
What about your weaknesses? Where do you need support?
My weakness is that I can try to do too much and I have to reign myself in or someone has to do it for me. I think I can multi task but sometimes I have one too many tasks on the go at once. I am pretty good at forgetting my own stuff at times, so focussed on everyone else!
What is your highlight of working with Go Beyond?
The people, guests and staff alike. The fun we have, the friends we make.
Do you have any personal ambitions?
To never grow old in my outlook on life!
Finally, if you were set adrift on a desert island which three albums, three films, three books and one luxury would you take with you?
Albums – Darkside of the Moon, Led Zeppelin IV, Hotel California
Films – Local hero, Ghost, Schindler’s List
Books – The Tanglewood’s Secret, The Call of the Wild, The Little Prince
Luxury – A notebook that never ends. (I can make charcoal for a pencil)